New Month Prophecy With Pastor Alph Lukau – Start This Month With A Prophet (1st Oct 2018)

 New Month Prophecy With Pastor Alph Lukau – Start This Month With A Prophet (1st Oct 2018)

We’ve all come through challenges and difficulties that should have stopped us: problems that seemed too big, obstacles that looked insurmountable. But, somehow, we made it through. That wasn’t luck. It wasn’t just a good break. That was the hand of God pushing back forces of darkness, protecting us, healing us, promoting us.


God is faithful – He has not forgotten you. God’s love is unfailing. There is nothing that can separate you from His love or remove you from the palm of His hand. In a world filled with uncertainty, betrayal, & disappointment, we can know that God will never leave us. His love will never end. In difficult seasons, remind yourself that God is still on the throne. Just because the grass looks dead, doesn’t mean it will never be green again.

** A Note to Self **

The point of walking with God is keep on going. So when things go wrong and time is tough, Just look up to the sky and say ” God, I know You are testing me, I will wait for the day You reward me for being strong.” Give God all your moments, and He will take care of your days and your years… Amen!

May This Month Be the Best Moth of your Life In Jesus Name …..