20th Prophecy Of September – If You Need Miracle In Next 10 Days – Click Here and Join Pastor Alph Lukau
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Joshua 1:8-9)
We are commanded to always, (not sometimes, not when we feel like it, not when we are happy, not when things go wrong, not when we get fired, not when we got a pay cheque), to keep the laws written in the word of God on our lips!
How do we do that? By opening up ourselves to the word of God daily! Read the word of God daily! Build up your confidence in the word daily! Declare the word of God daily! Listen to the word of God daily and by doing so, our faith in God, (His word), increases in us daily!
God is not looking for people who are perfect, but He is looking for people who want His perfection to shine/reflect through our daily lives!
What you expose your soul to, your eyes to, you will reflect! Meditation day and night on His word, makes us more like Him.
Declarations of faith:-
⭐I decree and declare that the word of God is God!
⭐I decree and declare that I open my spirit, my soul and my body to the word of God!
⭐I decree and declare that my spirit, my soul and my body accept the word of God!
⭐I decree and declare that the word of God is the foundation of my family! As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!
⭐I decree and declare that I will bring my children up in the ways of the Lord and they will not depart from it! My children and grandchildren have the seed of the word in them!