Alleluia Ministries Zambia , Location , Church Address , Pastor Alph Lukau
Are you from Zambia and you will like to worship with us at AMI Zambia , Pastor Alph Lukau is welcoming you and note that below is our Address and contact details.
For Prayer request , always use the comment box below to send it and note that God will not allow any person to keep you from your destiny. They may be bigger, stronger, or more powerful, but God knows how to shift things around and get you to where you’re supposed to be..Keep believing, “today is the day.” Even when it doesn’t look like anything is changing, God is working behind the scenes. It’s easy to get discouraged, but one touch of God’s favor can suddenly turn any situation around.!!”
AMI Zambia Zambia
Pastor Jessie Ndaye Umba
Contact: 00260 9762 26552 / 002609 7947 5529
Sunday service: 10:00am to 12:00pm
Sermons: Alleluia Ministries Zambia , Location , Church Address , Pastor Alph Lukau
Your Heavenly Father has been thinking about you for a long time. Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He knew you. He’s already planned out all of your days.
He didn’t create you to be ordinary, to be average, to just make it through life. He’s lined up amazing opportunities, good breaks, the right people. He’s saying to you, “I can’t wait to give you My world.