Calvary Chapel Prayer Request , Phone Number , Email ID , Do you know that from research , Calvary Chapel Bangor is a Calvary Chapel church located in Orrington, ME. Senior Pastor Ken Graves takes us verse by verse through the Bible.
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“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”.
My Dad Is having some internal bleeding as well as an irregular heartbeat. He is having surgery today to try and find the cause. My prayer is that the doctors would be guided by the Holy Spirit and that they would find the cause and help repair whatever needs repairing.
I am asking prayer for myself for strength. So I can be there for my family in anyway that they will need me – Peter
So, I need prayer, so much, even though I know Gods will is sufficient. I am trying not to feel anxious about an upcoming mission trip to Israel. though I am on the team. my finances work-wise are not doing great at all right now and my fundraising is not doing great. So if this ends up not being Gods will, after all, and I cant make it, due to finances or any other factor… I’m trying to not be broken up about it. I know that I would very much like to be apart of this team and the vision for this mission trip and very much be apart of what God is doing through this team, and to be led by His spirit… have more confirmation that this is a mission trip He is calling me to be a part of . And if so I need wisdom and work provisions and discipline. if it is not his will, then I need the grace to let go, leaving it w/ Jesus… I know this is very freely written prayer request & possibly a bit silly. I really wanted to be honest and transparent because I am feeling the stress and anxiety if I cant go if I am unable to raise and make the funds. And I just need to take bold steps of faith and trust the Lord. I do very much appreciate your prayers and your time. thank you – John