Daily Affirmations & Prayers – (LIVE 12)

The Psalmist said, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy is coming in the morning.” Here’s the promise: joy is coming. Not maybe, not hope so, not there’s a good chance. The Most High God says joy is on the way. You’re going to laugh again, you’re going to dream again, you’re going to love again. You’re going to see God’s blessing in such a way that all you can do is laugh. Laugh in amazement, laugh in gratitude, laugh at the goodness of God.

It’s okay to feel things. It’s not a lack of faith to say, “God, my heart is heavy. I’m grieving. I don’t think I can go on.” When Jesus was on His way to be crucified, He fell down under the weight of the cross. He couldn’t carry it anymore. He’s the Son of God. Yet, in His human body, He didn’t have the strength. God didn’t say, “Son, what’s wrong with You? You need to be stronger, tougher.” No, God sent a man named Simon to carry it for Him. Sometimes you can’t carry the weight of what you’re under. You can’t carry the pressure. What I love about God is He’s merciful. He doesn’t hold things against us. If we had to perform perfectly, never complain, always have strong and unwavering faith, none of us would have a chance. God knows when the pressure is too strong, the weight too heavy that you can’t carry it by yourself.


Just because you don’t see anything, doesn’t mean it’s not on the way. At the right time, it’s going to show up. You could see your new thing tomorrow, you could see your breakthrough this week, you could get that scholarship this month, you could see your healing, your promotion, your abundance this year. Stay in faith. God knows how to make a way where you don’t see a way. He can open doors no person can shut. He freed the Israelites from the most powerful regime of that day. There is no force that can stand against our God.

Hating on somebody, trying to make them look bad, spreading rumors, magnifying a fault, that may feel good, but the problem is, it’s going to boomerang and come right back to you. Criticizing them is not going to stop them. How do you know they’re not a favor connection, somebody God brought into your life to help you go to the next level? If you get jealous and intimidated, you’re letting what God meant for your good to become something that is holding you back.