DELIVERANCE & Success Prayer By Pastor Alph Lukau + Prophecy – December 28th 2018

Prayer for Success

Lord, I earnestly seek after You
I seek Your kingdom, Your will
That heaven may come to earth
And Your presence would be known by all


I lay my plans before You
Please rearrange them as You see fit
See if there is any corrupt way within me
And lead me in the everlasting way

I give you the desires of my heart
My ambitions and my schemes
I surrender them wholly to You
Please anoint them for Your purposes and glory

I give You my whole being
My giftings and my character
Come sharpen my skills and transform my heart
This day and every day – Amen


The greatest blessing you have is that you are a child of God (John 1:12). I hear God saying “touch not My son, touch not My daughter.” Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life! Declare I am a touch not!

I proclaim over you – the very same people who dedicated their lives to see yours come down will become a STEPPING STONE to your next level. You are dangerous, what they meant for evil, God will turn it for your good in Jesus’ name!