First Sunday Prophecy Of the Month By Pastor Alph Lukau … December 2nd 2018

Are you living in the here, when God’s waiting for you there? Are you stuck in a disappointment, bitter over a bad break, angry over who did you wrong? It’s time to leave here and go there. There is where God will meet you. There is where the blessing is. There is where you’ll see the new things He has in store. The disappointment is simply a season; it’s not the rest of your life. God has already gone ahead. He’s already lined up the next chapter.

If you could see the plan for your life on a map, it wouldn’t be a straight line — there are stepping stones, curves, and detours that are all part of the path to your destiny. Stay the course. God works according to the law of gradual growth, so don’t be discouraged if your progress seems slow. It is better that things are slow and solid rather than fast and fragile.


Trust God’s timing and enjoy your journey. God’s timing is always perfect. Please don’t get discouraged. Just like a farmer, when he sows his seed, he doesn’t get the harvest the following week.

There’s a gap between sowing & reaping. And I really believe by the grace and mercy of God. I am reaping today things that I sowed more than 30 years ago. So please don’t get discouraged.

Your Miracle Is Here ….