Evening Devotionals With Pastor Alph Lukau – September 14th 2018 (CLICK HERE)

 Evening Devotionals With Pastor Alph Lukau – September 14th 2018 (CLICK HERE)

When you’re a dreamer, you’re dangerous to the enemy. You give him a nervous breakdown. He knows you’re headed for new levels. He knows you’re going to set a new standard for your family. He knows you’re coming into abundance, into overflow. And he knows there’s nothing he can do to stop you. The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you.


But the enemy will work overtime to try to convince you to settle where you are. You have to remember this principle: when negative things happen, that’s not stopping your destiny. That’s a sign you’re on the way to your destiny.

Too often we discount ourselves thinking we don’t have much to offer. We look at what we don’t have and what we can’t do. Your gift may seem small, but if you’ll start using it, it will grow. It’s like an acorn. You could look at it and think, “Big deal. All I have is this little gift. God, You created the universe and this is all You’ve given me?” What you can’t see is there is incredible potential in that small gift. In that little acorn is a huge oak tree, branches spreading out fifty feet wide. Don’t discount your gift because it seems small.