Family Liberation Prayer 2018 By Pastor Alph Lukau , Health & Financial
No matter how over crowded a market place is, if God calls you to it, there will be room for you and you will successful no matter what or who try to compete with you
Reviews : Family Liberation Prayer 2018 By Pastor Alph Lukau , Health & Financial
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19
Most glorious and gracious Father, it would be good for me to soak in this passage at least once a week, if not once a day. For it answers the vital question, “What on earth is Jesus doing?”-in my life and with my life. About what is he purposeful and passionate?
It’s the last affirmation in these verses that gets me every time, Lord Jesus. Oh to fully know, really believe and regularly recall that because of your work on my behalf, I live in the permanent favor of God. Lord Jesus, you didn’t just win for me, and your whole Bride, freedom from condemnation for our sin. You secured for us a standing in God’s delight! We enjoy the favor of God as fully as you do; for you have made our sin yours on the cross, and you have made your righteousness ours in the gospel! We shout a grateful, “Hallelujah!”
This permanent standing in grace frees us for present groaning and growth in grace. Jesus, you are the great liberator and healer. What are my entanglements and imprisonments to which I am blind, and from which you would set me free-the lust, greed, resentments, obsessions, self-protection, meanness, pride, unbelief? What are my wounds and diseases for which you alone can provide the cure-deadness of heart, the pain of betrayals, disillusionment with your people… even uncertainty about You?
Lastly, Lord Jesus, what are the places of poverty and oppression into which you would send me as a conduit of your mercy, grace and shalom-making? For as surely as you meet me in my brokenness and weakness, you deploy me as a instrument of your bold love and tear-wiping hand.
I LONG for the Day when you return to finish making all things new, Jesus. By the light of that Day, I will seek to live to your glory in this day … in the peace of God’s favor and in the grasp of your grace. So very Amen, I pray.