Register & Login : IVP (GTG) International Visitors Program (Alph Lukau) Alleluia Ministries

 Register & Login : IVP (GTG) International Visitors Program (Alph Lukau) Alleluia Ministries 

After the coming IVP (GTG) the world will not know what hit it; men and women will go in the streets of their communities and prophesy with accuracy, they will cast out devils, heal the sick; miracles, signs and wonders will begin to manifest in our lives.


The Lord is raising a different breed of men and women who will walk in POWER.

We will see MEGA churches mushrooming across the world
We will also see MEGA businesses mushrooming across the world.

Are you hearing me?

  • Churches, Pastors, Ministers and Leaders; what God will give you at the Gifts Transferring Gathering is BIGGER than what any Bible School can give you.
  • Allow me to invite you to be more vigilant and to open yourself to what God is doing.
    The Lord told me that what is in me He will multiply it in you.

2 things are to be expected;
– men and women will be DIRECT beneficiaries of the gift of God. If you are sick, you will be healed and become a channel of healing.
– the gift of God from me will go to YOU. (Romans 1:11) Gifts of the Holy Ghost can be transferred. Once its transferred you begin to operate in the gift.

Source: Alph Lukau