NEW WEEK OF BLESSINGS – Click To Join Our Prophecy of Miracle Money – SEPTEMBER 20 2021 (Don’t IGNORE)
When God puts a dream in your heart, there will always be people that are jealous, people that try to discredit you, get you riled up. Don’t take the bait. That’s not a battle you have to fight. They are a distraction trying to get you off course, so you miss your purpose. Your assignment is too important to be distracted by jealous, small-minded people.
John 16:33 says, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” God never promised that life would be fair, but He did promise that if you will stay in faith, He will take what’s meant for your harm and use it to your advantage.
Nothing that’s happened to you is a surprise to God. He will give you the strength, the power and the grace to go through it.
** A Note to Self **
We will always be battered in this life. Physical limitations. Cruel people. Spiritual battles. But God is with us. He promises never to abandon us.
And He renews our spirits even during the struggles. We can keep going in this life and look with anticipation to the next.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying for me on the Cross.
I speak favor and breakthrough into Your life
Deliver me from satan and his fallen angels, Oh Lord. I speak favor into my life as the overflow of Your abundant blessings pour down upon me. I embrace it, I embrace You, as the Holy Spirit draws near to me.
No man can ever convince me that my breakthrough will never come, for who God blesses no man curse.
I see my victory ahead. It is so clear to me that doubt and fear flee at the thought of it. All fear is gone at the thought of You bringing it to pass, Jehovah Nissi.