MARCH 2019 – First Prophecy Of The Month By Pastor Alph Lukau – Submit Your First Prayer Request – March 1 2019

MARCH 2019 – First Prophecy Of The Month By Pastor Alph Lukau – Submit Your First Prayer Request – March 1 2019

Declarations for the month of March


1) I Stand to re-dedicate my life, my body, my soul, my spirit unto the Lord. I belong to Jesus, He Alone!
2) I Declare that Jesus is the only ruler of my life!
3) I Commit today, my life, my future, my Destiny unto Jesus!
4) I Decree and I Declare, my life is right under the Blood of Jesus, and no evil will befall me in Jesus’ Name!
5) Oh Lord! Deploy Angels to Work for the fulfillment of your Word in my life in Jesus’ Name!
6) Let Angels remove from my path, every obstacle to my destiny in the Name of Jesus!
7) I Decree and I Declare, I am not who people say I am. I am who God Says I am!
8) I Decree and I Declare, I have everything God Says I have!
9) I Decree and I Declare my Destiny cannot be stopped in Jesus’ Name!
10) I am born to Win!

11) I am more than a Conqueror!
12) Victory is mine in Jesus’ Name!
13) I Cannot be stopped!
14) I Cannot be denied in the Name of Jesus!
15) I Cannot be delayed in Jesus’ Name!
16) May every enemy of my destiny catch Fire now! Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire, in Jesus’ Name!
17) Oh God Arise and give me Divine dreams that will change my story in Jesus’ Name!
18) Show me my Destiny ladder that will Connect me to Divine Glory in Jesus’ Name!
19) My Father, let my spiritual eyes open to see the opportunities that you have set before me!
20) Let every secret that I need to know to excel spiritually, financially, be revealed to me, in Jesus’ Name!

21) My Father, Let Signs and Wonders be my portion in Jesus’ Name!
22) Signs and Wonders appear in my life in Jesus’ Name!
23) Holy Spirit visit me with Signs and Wonders!
24) Oh God! Give me Spiritual Wings that I may fly Higher and Higher in Jesus’ Name!
25) Give me Spiritual ability to Succeed in my life in Jesus’ Name!
26) Give me Spiritual ability to Destroy all my Spiritual opponents in Jesus’ Name!
27) I Decree and I Declare, my Divine Dreams will surely come to pass!
28) Everything my hands find to do, SHALL Prosper in Jesus’ Name!
29) Oh God! Arise and let me acquire the ability to equal my Divine Opportunities!
30) Oh God! Arise and let me be an Eagle in the market place, in Jesus’ Name!

31) I nullify every satanic agreement made against my Destiny in the Name of Jesus!
32) Every power assigned to delay my miracles fall down and die now, in Jesus’ Name!
33) Every power slowing down my Progress, be scattered in Jesus’ Name!
34) Every parental curse that is affecting my moving forward, receive the Consuming Fire, in Jesus’ Name!
35) I Destroy every generational curse in my life in Jesus’ Name!
36) I Renounce every evil family covenant from my life in Jesus’ Name!
37) I Disassociate my life from every familiar spirit in Jesus’ Name!
38) I Disassociate myself from every ancestral covenant in Jesus’ Name!
39) Every stubborn problem in my life, be buried now in Jesus’ Name!
40) Every frustration in my life, I Command you to Become a bridge to my miracle in Jesus’ Name!

41) I Hold the Blood of Jesus Christ against every demonic delay of my miracle in the Name of Jesus!
42) Every curse, every covenant of impossibility over my life, Break Now, in Jesus’ Name!
43) Every power attacking my progress Die Now, in Jesus name!
44) Every spell of witches and wizards against me SHALL NOT prosper in Jesus’ Name!
45) The expectations of the wicked in my life SHALL NOT be met in Jesus’ Name!
46) Evil SHALL NOT come to my dwelling place in Jesus’ Name!
47) I Refuse sickness and disease in my life in Jesus’ Name!
48) I Command every evil spirit of infirmity attacking my life today to catch Fire, in Jesus’ Name!
49) Oh God! Vitalize my mortal body!
50) I Speak Strength and Wellbeing in my body!

51) I Decree and I Declare, my blood is Cleansed, my bones are Strong, my flesh is Well, my skin is Fine, every organ of my body is Restored to the Glory of God in the Name of Jesus!
52) I WILL NOT die before my time!
53) Oh God! Arise and give me sufficient days to Reach my goals and Fulfill my mission on Earth!
54) I Will Live a Healthy and Fruitful Life in Jesus’ Name!
55) I Shall Live a long life in Jesus’ Name. (No parent will bury their children under the sound of my voice, premature death is not your portion, you will grow your children)! In Jesus name!
56) I Destroy every power of sudden death in my life, in my family, in Jesus’ Name!
57) Oh God! Arise and Restore to me ALL the years the devil has stolen from me in Jesus’ Name. Restoration through Restitution, “Now that we know who the thief is he must pay 7 Times!”
58) I Will Live a Peaceful and Prosperous Life in Jesus’ Name!
59) Poverty and hunger are NOT my portion in Jesus’ Name!
60) Strife and misery are NOT my portion in Jesus’ Name!

61) Oh God of Signs and Wonders, You are my Heavenly Surgeon; by Your Power, TOUCH me today in Jesus’ Name!
62) Every Satanic umbrella preventing the Heavenly Showers of Blessings from falling on me, catch Fire Now, in Jesus name!
63) Every circle of confusion, in my life, BREAK in Jesus’ Name!
64) Wherever my spirit is locked, I BREAK it Loose Now in Jesus’ Name!
65) Spirit of stagnation, I Destroy you Now in Jesus’ Name!
66) Every spirit of limitation, I Destroy you Now, I am moving from Glory to Glory in Jesus’ Name!
67) Whomsoever digs a grave for me, may he Fall in it himself. Whomsoever stands against me in secret or in the open SHALL fall before me. Whomsoever wants me down, will go down himself in Jesus’ Name!
68) Every blood sucker, suck your own blood Now! )I have not only insulted the devil, I have messed up his system)
69) I Decree and I Declare ALL my opposition will turn into submission!
70) I Will Pioneer Greatness in my family!

71) I Will Go where no one had anticipated in Jesus’ Name!
72) I WILL DO Exploits in the Lord!
73) I WILL Finance the Kingdom of God! I AM Anointed to Finance the Kingdom of God! I AM A KINGDOM FINANCIER IN JESUS’ NAME!
74) I WILL BE A PILLAR of Strength in the House of God in Jesus’ Name!
75) I Will NEVER depart from my Covenant with God in Jesus’ Name. NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!
76) I Decree and I Declare! I am Prophetic, I am Apostolic, I am AMI!
77) Before I finish praying these prayers today, OH Lord! Let Your Angels move into action on my behalf in Jesus’ Name!

I PROPHESY EVERY Prayer Prayed, Every Declaration Made! AMEN!