MY “July 15th – 16th Prophesies” – TB Joshua (Mexico Crusade 2018)

 MY “July 15th – 16th Prophesies” – TB Joshua (Mexico Crusade 2018) 

PRAYER POINT: Lord, bind my hands that they may do no evil. Cover my eyes that I may see evil no more.


“Our union with Christ is the basis for our unity with one another. Do to others as you would want them to do unto you. What are you doing to others? Remember, what you are doing to others, that you are doing unto God.” #TBJoshua

 Reviews : MY “July 15th – 16th Prophesies” – TB Joshua (Mexico Crusade 2018)

– I sense that God is sending you comfort and turning your situation around. Your prayers have been heard. Hold on tight, you are next in the list of God.

– No matter how many will stand against you, they will fall before you in Jesus name. Whoever digs a grave for you, will fall in it himself. God has declared you a victor, you cannot be a victim.

– “Don’t make the Bible say what you want to hear. Don’t bring in what you think you need to hear. This is about what God has to say to you. Respond to Him in dialogue. That means it is as much about listening as it is about speaking. Open your eyes and your heart to hear His voice.”