If your spirit has been leaping with anticipation it’s because there’s a shifting taking place where the things God promised you are coming to life for a purpose.
Even in the face of the impossible God can turn any situation for your good, however this requires your participation in order to be activated.
Understand that your believing pre-qualifies you to be blessed, all you have to do is believe and anticipate the arrival of God’s promise in your life.
Don’t doubt because the odds aren’t stacked in your favor, when you have a promise you have a guarantee. Stop wondering how and start declaring now.
This is the season that God’s about to perform every promise down to the letter in which He gave it. What you believe you shall receive.
For some of you who have been awaiting for the promises of God to become a reality in your life, allow me to confirm that if He spoke it, that word cannot return until it prospered first. So realize that, that word has a mission to be accomplished and to prosper everything it comes in contact with.
Don’t get discouraged by the timing of things because God isn’t bound by deadlines, He more concerned about His timing and where you are to the proximity to your promise.