Pastor Lesego Daniel | Private Jet | Cars | House | Net Worth | Home , I have learnt so much from my father in the Lord. Even when he was facing persecutions he never said ‘today I am depressed’.
He continued to preach as if nothing happened and we saw God raising the standard. The elevation came when he was in persecutions.
Reviews : Pastor Lesego Daniel | Private Jet | Cars | House | Net Worth | Home
It was in the beginning of the month of June when Mr Lebalang Makgoba together with his wife came and shared a testimony after deliverance they received as a family. The man of God had been teaching about bad connections and Mr Makgoba was affected through helping financially a person he thought was a friend.
The man of God Prof. Lesego Daniel prayed for Mr Makgoba after he had confessed what he had done, as he had realised that this was affecting his family negatively. Following the confession and deliverance was a testimony by the Makgoba family testifying about Mrs Makgoba getting a job after months of attending interviews without a success of getting a job.
Mr Makgoba had testified that before the deliverance, he had felt very demotivated where he was working and could not see what he was doing with his money. Doors began to open for them as a family. His manhood which was no longer functioning as supposed was also restored.
Today (25 June 2017) Mr Makgoba came to give a testimony yet again glorifying the goodness of the Lord.
He said that during the year 2016 he would continually be called for interviews by different companies but there were no positive results. Mr Makgoba said that “when one sits and looks back, one understands that there was a reason. Things that we do hold us back more especially the things we do to our spiritual father”
He continued to say that the testimony given today is as a result of his confession. Mr Makgoba was called for an interview in September 2016. He was convinced that he was successful and waited for feedback from the company. But the company did not revert back to him.
In June 2017, following his deliverance from bad connections, he received a call from a company that interviewed him in September 2016 (exactly nine months since the interview was held). They had called informing him that the interview was a success and he has received his position.
He then realised and acknowledged that God is great. “Where many have forgotten you, God does not forget you. God is able to restore”, he said.
Mr Makgoba said that another wonderful thing in receiving this job is that he was told that he may choose when he would like to start working. Mr Makgoba will be starting his new position as Assistant Director: Enterprise Risk Management on the 1st of August 2017.
Both Mr and Mrs Makgoba went and saw Pastor Lesego telling him that they would love to buy a car. The response from the man of God to the couple was “you may go ahead and buy a car as long as you have confessed all”
On Saturday the 10th of June 2017, the couple went to a car dealership in search of a new car. The vehicle application was done on the 12th of June and was approved on the 14th of June 2017. On the 19th of June, Mr and Mrs Makgoba received their new car.
Mr Makgoba concluded by saying that “Bad connections truly delayed us. True confessions and honesty will take you far. Be responsible with your life or you will make God to be a liar. And you do not want God to prove Himself that He is not a liar”.
“Do not be afraid to block some of those contacts on Facebook and WhatsApp. It’s not impossible or hard to live without them and do not care what other people will say. Do what is right and learn from our mistakes. I believe more is coming. Be true and faithful to God and His spiritual shepherds that He has given. I would like to thank papa Lesego Daniel for the love he gives us”