Pastor Nick Vujicic Daily Devotional – April 3rd 2022
Abortion is one of the many sins of America and she must repent. The church can’t talk about ProLife without talking about human trafficking without talking about the crippled foster and adoption system without talking about the border catastrophe.
Church please start talking about it from the pulpits and pray into who of your church members become local authority ministers in governmental and school board positions. Church, God will not bless the land through prayer. God Blesses once we the church first repent of our unrighteousness and blindness into how we allowed to irradiate God in our country, starting with the school systems in 1963.
Lubbock TX – one of 38 sanctuary cities in Texas who do not allow abortions!
Judge Roy Moore of Alabama abolishing abortion under the 9th amendment of the constitution as a lynch pin and bill of rights give to the States file to absolutely abolish abortion REGARDLESS of Roe v Wade.
It will go back to the States. And the remnant who aren’t in a coma will soon learn what this really means.
This is the extreme of extreme divisions of our country and neither side is willing to compromise. May those States who step up to the plate be blessed to the point that those who disagree and not turn from their ways will see God Blessing the States of America who repented in spirit and in truth of this evil of killing innocent unborn children.
May we too not be ignorant to believe that 77 million unborn baby’s deaths is the only sin we are to repent of.
Of all things we must give back the GLORY in purity back to the Lord Almighty, The Sovereign, The I Am.
Thanking God that President Trump appointed the 130 judges nationwide and being the conduit of the Supreme Court Judges today. We pray God’s will be done. God is ProChoice: He allows us all to choose where we each must stand.
Thanking especially today Thomas Smith and his incredible associates we met today and Daniel Navejas from Abortion Free States (AFS.Life).
A shout out to Rusty Thomas from DC!